We are clinical psychologists running a private practice in South-East London, Brighton and online. At Context Psychology, we are passionate about offering a trusted, non-judgemental and compassionate therapeutic space and supporting and empowering our clients to better understand and overcome difficulties.

About Us

We have both completed doctoral level training in Clinical Psychology and have experience working with a range of clients, and their support systems, across the lifespan and within a range of different services. This means that we have the knowledge, skills, and experience to be able to tailor our approach according to your goals, needs and preferences.

Our practice is named ‘Context Psychology’ because, in contrast to more medicalised approaches to psychological suffering, we share a passion for ideas that situate an individual, couple, family, or group (e.g. culture or community) within their own context. This means that we not only draw on psychological theory and the relevant clinical evidence base but we also adopt a highly collaborative, curious and open-minded approach to your own meaning-making about your own life, your difficulties and preferred directions, as well as what may help to alleviate distress and promote growth and new possibilities.

We both work in the NHS in fields where our clients have often experienced trauma and marginalisation based on characteristics such as gender, class, ethnicity, sexuality, sexual orientation and religion. We both believe that honouring the social context, as well as individual and collective responses to adverse experiences, is essential in our work.

Our clients have fed back that they find our approach to therapy – which focuses more on ‘what has happened to you?’ and ‘what did that mean to you?’ and ‘how did you respond?’ rather than ‘what is wrong with you?’ – to be a relief and more of a close ‘fit’ with their lived experiences.